Thursday, January 3, 2013


You’re probably fully aware by now this is not a foodie blog. You did see the McDonald’s reference in one of our recent updates, right?

Sure, we’ve posted about food in the past…the
deep fried boiled egg in the Philippines, the stir-fried scorpion in Bangkok. But it’s a rarity.

So when Liz ordered a plate of stir-fried ladyfinger, aka okra, in a New Delhi restaurant, we weren't expecting anything close to a web-worthy experience. We were so wrong.

Above is the second plate of some of the best fried okra either of us has ever tasted—and that’s saying A WHOLE LOT. Cooked with locally-grown peppers, onions and spicy seasonings, this dish was as good as New Orleans, even up to par with some North Louisiana versions, including the crispy stuff from Southern Classic Fried Chicken.

Granted, this version was a bit of a cheat, perhaps even bordering on sacrilegious-ness being stir fried with healthy veggies and all. But then, it’s the 21st century, plus it's a lot harder to shred okra than it is to chop it for frying, we reckon, so we let ‘em slide and ranked it Top 5 ever.

In addition to ladyfinger and the aforementioned McDonald's, we're also eating lots of incredible veggie curries, in case you're interested. And if all this whet your appetite for some real food sites, you might check out our friend Michae
l Johnson's Endless Simmer or Legal Nomad's food articles on finding quality cheap eats while on the road.


  1. A step up from Grand Junction's Furr's Cafeteria okra, eh?

    1. Ooh. Tough one. But no one beats Furr's. Mostly because this was not served by a sweet woman in a hairnet. I miss Mabel!


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