Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Kip rethinks the decision he made two seconds before.
Bungy jumping...this "extreme sport" sounds a little cliche and a lot outdated, not to mention life-threateningly idiotic (similar category as diving with great white sharks, perhaps?). Naturally when Kip heard about a gorge in South Africa that's spanned by a bungee bridge more than 700 feet high, we had to go check it out. 

Surprising to no one who's read this site before, Kip signed up as soon as we arrived (remember the rock climbing jump video in Thailand?). An hour later, in a steady rain, with a juiced-up rubber band tied to his ankles, he jumped off the world's highest bungee. Like hundreds of others who do the jump every year, he survived unscathed...unlike an incredibly (un)lucky female Aussie traveler whose bungee chord snapped last year in Africa

Checking that one off the list, we head back to Cape Town for a visit with new best friends Keith and Allison, who agreed to show us around and even crash at their place while in town. 

Would you trust your life to a bunch of tiny rubberbands
strapped together with a bigger rubberband?
Thousands of people, including Kip at right,
do each year. 

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