Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Liz thoroughly enjoying her romantic Valentine's Day...at the WAMU-Radio membership drive.

It's Valentine's Day. You're supposed to spend quality romantic time with the one you love, right? So I planned a big night out (BNO) for me and Liz.

Yes, I know what you're thinking, and I agree--I deserve a huge prize.

But before you get the Man of the Year committee on the phone, there's just one small thing--the BNO included free dinner and entertainment...as long as we volunteered for three hours, answering phones and taking donations during the annual membership drive of our local NPR station, WAMU.

I've got a feeling this one's going to cost me a lot more than a cash contribution to NPR would have.

Ring, ancient phone, ring!

Happy to accept Visa and Mastercard.